NEFHSC, Baptist Health & Philips Give Local Families Free Pregnancy+ App

To help ensure more families have access to educational resources they need for healthy birth outcomes, the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition (NEFHSC), Baptist Health and Philips Avent (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) have partnered to offer a one-year, no-cost subscription to the premium version of Philips’ Pregnancy+. Pregnancy+, the number one pregnancy app worldwide, will be available to women and their families … Read more

Debs Store officially opens in the Eastside

Goodwill Industries of North Florida will expand its traditional focus on employment, training and education to address one of the major challenges facing Jacksonville residents: a lack of access to healthy, nutritious foods. The Corner at Debs Store, at the corner of Florida Avenue and 5th Street, will bring fresh produce and groceries to the … Read more